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Leverage brand associations to grow your brand

Building a strong brand is essential for success. A brand is more than just a logo or a name; it is a perception and a set of associations that consumers have with a particular product or company. These associations can be powerful tools for marketers to connect with their target audience and differentiate themselves from competitors.

Brand associations are the mental connections or relationships that consumers form between a brand and various attributes, qualities, symbols, or experiences. These associations can be both tangible and intangible, ranging from product features and benefits to emotional connections and values.

Brand associations can be created through various means like advertising, public relations, product design, customer experiences, and endorsements. They’re developed over time through repeated exposure and consistent messaging, leading to the formation of a brand image in the minds of consumers.

And in today's interconnected marketplace, strategic collaborations and brand partnerships have become a particularly important part of successful marketing strategies.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

By leveraging associations with other brands that are aligned with the values that a company wishes to embody, companies can tap into new audiences, enhance brand credibility, and create unique experiences that resonate with consumers.

Complementary Brand Partnerships

One of the most effective ways to leverage brand associations is through complementary partnerships. By teaming up with brands that share similar values or target a similar audience, companies can expand their reach and create a win-win scenario. For example, a fitness apparel brand partnering with a fitness influencer or a technology company collaborating with a fashion brand can tap into each other's customer base and create synergies.

When seeking complementary partnerships, it is important to ensure alignment in terms of values, target audience, and objectives. This alignment helps to maintain authenticity and enhances the likelihood of success. The partnership should provide mutual benefits and offer value to both brands and their respective consumers.

Co-Branding Initiatives

Co-branding is a powerful strategy that involves the creation of a joint product, service, or campaign by two or more brands. This approach allows companies to leverage the strengths and associations of each brand, resulting in a unique offering that can generate excitement and attract attention.

These initiatives can take various forms, such as limited-edition collaborations, cross-industry partnerships, or joint promotional campaigns. For example, a clothing brand collaborating with a popular beverage company to create a special edition collection can generate buzz and create a sense of exclusivity.

Successful co-branding initiatives require careful planning and coordination between the partnering brands. It is essential to ensure that the co-created product or campaign reflects the values and aspirations of both brands while providing a cohesive and compelling story to engage consumers.

Celebrity or Influencer Endorsements

Associating your brand with well-known personalities or influencers can significantly impact consumer perceptions and drive marketing success. Endorsements by celebrities or influencers with a strong following can provide an immediate boost in brand visibility and credibility.

When choosing an influencer, it’s crucial to consider their relevance to your brand and target audience. The person should align with your brand's values, appeal to your target demographic, and have an authentic connection with your industry. Authenticity is key to maintaining credibility and avoiding the perception of a mere paid endorsement.

Sponsorship and Event Partnerships

Sponsoring events or partnering with established industry conferences and trade shows is an effective way to leverage brand associations. By associating your brand with a well-regarded event, you can tap into its existing reputation and engage with a targeted audience.

When selecting sponsorship or partnership opportunities, consider the alignment between the event and your brand's image and target audience. Choose events that attract your desired customer base and provide opportunities for meaningful engagement. This can include hosting workshops, speaking engagements, or experiential activations that showcase your brand and create memorable interactions.

Social Media Collaborations

In the digital age, social media collaborations have emerged as a powerful tool for leveraging brand associations. Partnering with influencers or other brands on social media platforms can amplify your brand's reach, increase engagement, and drive conversions.

Identify influencers or brands whose audience aligns with your target market and explore opportunities for collaborations. This can include co-creating content, hosting joint giveaways or contests, or participating in social media takeovers. By tapping into the existing following and credibility of these partners, you can expand your brand's reach and foster meaningful connections with potential customers.

Leveraging associations with other brands can unlock new marketing opportunities and elevate a company's success. Complementary brand partnerships, co-brand.

Leveraging Luck

When Taylor Swift’s music video for Anti-Hero, one of her recent hit singles, debuted last year, the star of the show was an unlikely one — a copper casket from Titan Casket.

The direct-to-consumer company hadn’t planned on being featured in one of the year’s biggest music videos. There was no real planning on their behalf. (I mean, who would really think to call up Taylor Swift’s team trying to sell them the many benefits of partnering with a casket company, right?)

But planned or not, a win is a win. Titan Caskets quickly realized that and began leveraging the Taylor Swift association. From witty posts on social media to interviews and news articles, to a “SWIFTIE” discount code, the company took full advantage of the opportunity to connect its brand with one of the world’s biggest stars. And it paid off. Titan CEO Joshua Seigl said while there was no huge spike in sales, there was a huge spike in traffic, noting that the discrepancy between the two figures is likely simply because most people don’t purchase caskets on a whim.

Was it a stroke of luck? Sure. But good branding and marketing is knowing how to leverage the right associations, planned or not, to achieve greater success. And it’s not always as easy as a Taylor Swift cameo falling in your lap. Contact us at ONWRD to identify opportunities that can help your brand create emotional connections with your target audience.

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